Article list

New article in Biological Control

Pseudomonas protegens ML15 and Trichoderma koningiopsis Tr21 co-culture: A potent strategy for suppressing Fusarium cerealis infections in wheat through augmented

New article in Chemistry – A European Journal

Hydrosilylation of Olefins Activated on Highly Lewis‐Acidic Calcium Cation Magdalena Grochowska-Tatarczak, K. Koteras, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk, Przemysław J. Malinowski The report introduces

New article in Nano Letters

Size Sensitivity of Metabolite Diffusion in Macromolecular Crowds Edyta Raczyłło, Dariusz Gołowicz, Tomasz Skóra,  Krzysztof Kazimierczuk and Svyatoslav Kondrat Metabolites

New article in The Analyst

A pH-enhanced resolution in benchtop NMR spectroscopy Paulina Putko, Javier A. Romero, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk NMR spectroscopy is one of the

New article in Journal of Magnetic Resonance

Optimizing measurements of linear changes of NMR signal parameters Javier A. Romero, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk, Paweł Kasprzak Serial NMR experiments are

New article in Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry

Supporting the assignment of NMR spectra with variable-temperature experiments Ewa K. Nawrocka, Michał Jadwiszczak, Piotr J. Leszczyński, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk Nuclear

New article in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

The Role of Boron Dopant in the Improvement of Electron Transfer in g-C3N4 Photocatalyst Ewelina Wierzyńska, Klaudia Korytkowska, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk,

New Article in Journal of Biomolecular NMR

Non-uniform sampling of similar NMR spectra and its application to studies of the interaction between alpha-synuclein and liposomes Alexandra Shchukina,

New Article in Materials Today Communications

The new Morin – based three-dimensional carbon nanostructures with metal oxides deposits. From synthesis to electro- and photocatalytic applicationsRadon peak-picker

New Book Chapter

Chapter 5: The Non-uniform Sampling of 2D NMR Data Alexandra Shchukina, Paweł Kasprzak, Mateusz Urbańczyk, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk Conventional acquisition of two-dimensional

New Book Chapter

Chapter 10: Fast 2D NMR to Investigate Dynamic Events in Biomolecules F. Bruno, E. Luchinat, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk, E. Ravera Interactions

New Article in Dalton Transactions

Towards hydrogen-rich ionic (NH4)(BH3NH2BH2NH2BH3) and related molecular NH3BH2NH2BH2NH2BH3 Rafał Owarzany, Tomasz Jaroń, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk,  Przemysław J. Malinowski, Wojciech Grochala and

New Article in Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Biphasic NMR of Hyperpolarized Suspensions─Real-Time Monitoring of Solute-to-Solid Conversion to Watch Materials Grow Ertan Turhan, Christopher Pötzl, Waldemar Keil, Mattia

New Article in Organic Chemistry Frontiers

Redox-induced Diels–Alder revisited: impact of diene’s oxidation on demanding cycloadditions Michał J. Jadwiszczak, Piotr J. Leszczyński, Zoran Mazej, Przemysław J.

New Book Chapter

Data Processing Methods: Fourier and Beyond Vladislav Orekhov, Paweł Kasprzak, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk This chapter presents a compact overview of both

New article in Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry

The assignment of 11B and 1H resonances in the post-reaction mixture from the dry synthesis of Li(BH3NH2BH2NH2BH3) Ewa K. Nawrocka, 

New article in Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open

Radon peak-picker based on a neural network Ewa K. Nawrocka,  Daniel Dahan, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk, Przemysław Olbratowski Serial acquisition of one-dimensional

New article in PLOS Computational Biology

Linear discriminant analysis reveals hidden patterns in NMR chemical shifts of intrinsically disordered proteins  Javier A. Romero, Paulina Putko, Mateusz

New Article in Analytical Chemistry

Enhanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Isotropic Mixing as a Pseudodimension Dariusz Gołowicz, Alexandra Shchukina, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk Chemical analysis based

New article in Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry

The assignment of 11B and 1H resonances in the post-reaction mixture from the dry synthesis of Li(BH3NH2BH2NH2BH3)Enhanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

New article in Dalton Transactions

Design of a D3h-symmetry prismatic tris-(ferrocene-1,1′-diyl) molecular cage bearing boronate ester linkages Maurycy Krzyżanowski, Anna M. Nowicka, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk, Krzysztof

New article in Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Dipole-dipole interactions of sulfone groups as a tool for self-assembly of a 2D Covalent Organic Framework derived from a non-linear

New Article in Chemistry of Materials

Diazonium-Based Covalent Molecular Wiring of Single-Layer Graphene Leads to Enhanced Unidirectional Photocurrent Generation through the p-doping Effect Margot Jacquet, Silvio

New Article in Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Dipole-dipole interactions of sulfone groups as a tool for self-assembly of a 2D Covalent Organic Framework derived from a non-linear