Javier Agustin Romero
Degrees: MSc (Physics), PhD (Physics)
Affiliation: Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland
2012 – Awarded with the degree of MSc. Degree in Physics by the National University of Córdoba. Supervisor: German Farrher
14.06.2018 – Awarded with the degree of PhD in Physics by the National University of Córdoba. Supervisor: Esteban Anoardo
From 01.11.2020 – Postdoc at Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland. Title of project: “New dimensions in NMR spectroscopy for better chemical analysis – from small molecules to proteins“. Source of funding: National Science Centre
01.04.2019 – 31/10/2020. Postdoc at Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland. Title of project: “Methods of non-stationary signal analysis for more sensitive NMR spectroscopy“. Source of funding: Foundation for Polish Science (FIRST TEAM programme)
Selected publications
[1] Romero, J. A., Nawrocka, E. K., Shchukina, A., Blanco, F. J., Diercks, T., & Kazimierczuk, K. (2020). Non-Stationary Complementary Non-Uniform Sampling (NOSCO NUS) for Fast Acquisition of Serial 2D NMR Titration Data, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 132(52)
[2] Romero, J. A., Kazimierczuk, K., & Gołowicz, D. (2020). Enhancing Benchtop NMR Spectroscopy by Means of Sample Shifting, Analyst, 145(22)
[3] Romero, J. A., Rodriguez, G. G., & Anoardo, E. (2019). A Fast Field-Cycling MRI Relaxometer for Physical Contrasts and Pre-Clinical Studies in Small Animals, J. of Magn. Reson., 311
[4] Romero, J. A., Dominguez, G. A., & Anoardo, E. (2017). Longitudinal Gradient Coils with Enhanced Uniformity in Restricted Diameter: Single-Current and Multiple-Current Approaches, J. of Magn. Reson., 276
“Award for Innovative Technological Development geared towards Industry”, awarded by the Argentinian Association in Physics, CABA, Argentina (2018)
Internal doctoral scholarship, awarded by State agency CONICET to fund doctoral research (2012 – 2017)
email: j.romero@cent.uw.edu.pl
office: 00.184 (ground floor)
address: Banacha 2C, 02-097 Warsaw